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    Topic: atmosphere Read 234 Times
  • Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Landscape & Nature Photography
    on: July 4, 2022 at 2:06 pm




    Paul Sokal
    Paul Sokal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 652
    Re: atmosphere
    Reply #1 on: July 4, 2022 at 2:32 pm

    The bright spot is a bit too bright for me. O/W nice moody image.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Paul Sokal.
    Erik Brammer
    Erik Brammer
    Posts: 289
    Re: atmosphere
    Reply #2 on: July 4, 2022 at 3:23 pm

    I also find that spot a bit too bright. Otherwise no contrast increase – this is great!

    Christopher Sanderson
    Christopher Sanderson
    Gold Member
    Posts: 367
    Re: atmosphere
    Reply #3 on: July 5, 2022 at 8:22 am

    Lovely. A big print would be stunning. I suspect the tonal value of the white may be fine on paper…

    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: atmosphere
    Reply #4 on: July 6, 2022 at 5:13 pm

    Come on over the pond Jeremy and let’s make some prints.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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