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    Topic: bryce Read 12901 Times
  • Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Landscape & Nature Photography
    on: April 30, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    From a long time ago. Gorgeous place. I’ll be back one day.



    Paul Sokal
    Paul Sokal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 652
    Re: bryce
    Reply #1 on: April 30, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    Never been but now that I have left my day job, driving around southern Utah is high on my list. Lovely image.

    Christopher Sanderson
    Christopher Sanderson
    Gold Member
    Posts: 367
    Re: bryce
    Reply #2 on: April 30, 2021 at 4:24 pm

    Bryce is spectacular, yet is photographed so often that the very name induces cringe viewing for me.

    But Jeremy this is spectacular and a point of view that I have never seen with these conditions. Bravo!

    Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Re: bryce
    Reply #3 on: May 1, 2021 at 7:12 am

    Paul, go!

    I love the southwest USA and I find Bryce Canyon to be, in some strange, way utterly magical. I can’t recommend it highly enough. When we can travel again, I’ll be back. FWIW, I wouldn’t stay at the canyon lodge, which I found overpriced; rather, I’d stay at Ruby’s Inn, a perfectly serviceable Best Western, about a mile from the park entrance. I had no problems getting in and out whenever I wanted; my last visit was in 2014, though, and I suppose things might have changed.

    Chris, thanks. I’ll dig out a few more of my Bryce shots. I may yet make you revert to cringing.


    Rand Scott Adams
    Rand Scott Adams
    Silver Member
    Posts: 287
    Re: bryce
    Reply #4 on: May 1, 2021 at 8:49 am

    I agree with Chris.  I tire easily of the typical Bryce photos – but this is something different.  It holds its own in terms of design elements, and offers something fresh in terms of context for the bright orange spires.


    Rand Scott Adams Rand47

    Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Re: bryce
    Reply #5 on: May 5, 2021 at 2:14 pm

    How about this one?



    Christopher Sanderson
    Christopher Sanderson
    Gold Member
    Posts: 367
    Re: bryce
    Reply #6 on: May 5, 2021 at 4:12 pm

    Unhhhh… a little ott.
    But then Bryce is naturally over the top making it hard to achieve something beyond the norm.

    Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Re: bryce
    Reply #7 on: May 6, 2021 at 9:48 am

    Fair point, I suppose. How about this?



    Eric Myrvaagnes
    Eric Myrvaagnes
    Posts: 36
    Re: bryce
    Reply #8 on: May 6, 2021 at 11:44 am

    Your shots of Bryce are marvelous, all much better than the ones I got on my one visit there.
    I got the traditional boring view from the rim, and then a few detail shots down in the lower reaches, but nothing worth posting.



    Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Re: bryce
    Reply #9 on: May 6, 2021 at 1:14 pm

    Thanks, Eric. I took my share of “routine” rim shots. I’ve always been a fan of what I now know Kevin calls “picture in picture” (these were taken in 2014, long before I’d embarked on my photographic education with him).

    Here are another couple. I’m rather enjoying going over them again. Not that it compares with being there, of course.




    Christopher Sanderson
    Christopher Sanderson
    Gold Member
    Posts: 367
    Re: bryce
    Reply #10 on: May 6, 2021 at 2:08 pm

    Fair point, I suppose. How about this?



    Yup, dialing the saturations back a bit helps ))

    Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Re: bryce
    Reply #11 on: May 15, 2021 at 7:27 am

    A couple more.




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