Projects and Presentation: Using a Virtual Gallery to Display Photographs

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    Topic: Projects and Presentation: Using a Virtual Gallery to Display Photographs Read 802 Times
  • Terry Gipson
    Terry Gipson
    Silver Member
    Posts: 33
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: February 22, 2021 at 8:37 pm

    That was a marvelous discourse about this platform. I have been looking for a way to present my projects online. Thank you for your effort!

    Terry Colorado USA [email protected]

    Jack Siegel
    Jack Siegel
    Silver Member
    Posts: 25
    Re: Projects and Presentation: Using a Virtual Gallery to Display Photographs
    Reply #1 on: February 23, 2021 at 11:58 am

    Thanks very much for the kind words.  I hope you enjoy the platform.

    Best regards,


    Jack B. Siegel


    Jack B. Siegel
    Photographer, Attorney, and Writer

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