New Leica S3 camera review

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    Topic: New Leica S3 camera review Read 1069 Times
  • Jesse May
    Jesse May
    Silver Member
    Posts: 3
    Medium Format
    on: March 6, 2020 at 10:07 am

    See my review of the latest Leica S3 medium format digital camera here

    Best regards, Jesse

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: New Leica S3 camera review
    Reply #1 on: March 18, 2020 at 8:47 pm

    Very nice review and gorgeous photos of Zurich – one of my favorite cities in the world. No question at 64 MP and with Leica lenses it would outperform ALL desktop scanners and probably most drum scanners for film digitizing, and the samples you show are first-rate. For regular photography no one can quibble about Leica quality. Pricing to be expected in North America will still make it less expensive than a Phase One Trichromatic system but the latter is 100MP, and the camera can be separated from the sensor. I’m wondering whether you looked at Phase One when you decided to go MF digital and if so why you opted for Leica instead. Was it mainly price, or you already own Leica lenses (a big investment) or for technical reasons?

    Jesse May
    Jesse May
    Silver Member
    Posts: 3
    Re: New Leica S3 camera review
    Reply #2 on: March 19, 2020 at 4:34 am

    Very nice review and gorgeous photos of Zurich – one of my favorite cities in the world. No question at 64 MP and with Leica lenses it would outperform ALL desktop scanners and probably most drum scanners for film digitizing, and the samples you show are first-rate. For regular photography no one can quibble about Leica quality. Pricing to be expected in North America will still make it less expensive than a Phase One Trichromatic system but the latter is 100MP, and the camera can be separated from the sensor. I’m wondering whether you looked at Phase One when you decided to go MF digital and if so why you opted for Leica instead. Was it mainly price, or you already own Leica lenses (a big investment) or for technical reasons?

    Weather resistance was a high priority for me, since I do so much work outdoors. I have worked in high winds, rain, snow, dust, etc., all of which make a view camera or a tech camera impractical. I have been in contact with Phase One recently for a demo of their new offerings, however, after their first response I have not heard from them. It could be due to the virus situation.

    Best regards, Jesse

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