Christian Fletcher

Christian Fletcher

Dunsborough, WesternAustralia

Christian Fletcher has been a professional photographer for 29 years and still retains all of the passion and enthusiasm for taking a great photograph. At the core are three aspects of photography: capturing the beauty in landscapes, teaching his tec...
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PIMA Air and Space Museum

PIMA Air and Space Museum

Almost 42 years ago I found myself standing on the edge of a runway at a military base in Perth, Western Australia.  Lining up at one end was Australia’s front line fighter the Dassault Mirage III.  I could feel the excitement build...

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A Contemporary Look A Country of Excess America the land of opportunity where the reality is somewhat different.  Over the past couple of years I ventured through the out of the way towns, looking for photographic enlightenment.  I have been inspired by...

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