Hugh Brownstone Photo Chat

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    Topic: Hugh Brownstone Photo Chat Read 156 Times
  • Jonathan Cross
    Jonathan Cross
    Posts: 51
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: June 18, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    What a brilliant session; so much to take away from it.

    There was a section on ‘Do you ask?’ when engaged in street photography.  It did show up the differences between countries.  I take events for our local magazine in the UK, e.g, opening a new skate ramp or what our local First School does for Mother’s Day.  Adults are not usually a problem, but if children are involved it is a different matter.

    In the UK safeguarding children and vulnerable adults often has to be considered.  There are also some concerns about the activity of paedophiles, if for no other reason that their activities are reported more often  and more widely than when I was a child. In the case of first school activities, all my images have to go to the Headteacher because some parents do not want images of their children published.  I am known in the neighbourhood for taking photos for the magazine, but not by everybody. The First School only has children for 3 years before they move on, so there is a good turnover.  The result is I always ask a parent or guardian if it is OK, and say why I am taking the image.  95% of the time it is OK, but it would be a lot less if I said I was taking it to put on Instagram, or some other similar website.

    The sight of a man in his 70’s, on his own even amongst people, taking photos with children in them would also cause concerns in some parents’ minds.  I do not want to get involved in any possible consequences!

    In the end I ask because I try to have a sense of self preservation and covering my back.  Sensitivities do vary, and I think as a photographic community we should be aware of where we are and society expectations there.

    Going back to Hugh’s session, I really liked the concept of intellectual humility.  I can think of lots of situations where it would be a useful trait.






    J. D. Ramsey
    J. D. Ramsey
    Silver Member
    Posts: 18
    Re: Hugh Brownstone Photo Chat
    Reply #1 on: June 30, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    Agree that Hugh is a special talent and both the video here and his YouTube postings are not to be missed.  For those who don’t know Hugh (or even those who do) this video is well worth watching.  His insights are intelligent and appreciated.

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