George Fishing

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    Topic: George Fishing Read 696 Times
  • Russ Lewis
    Russ Lewis
    Silver Member
    Posts: 2794
    Landscape & Nature Photography
    on: February 8, 2021 at 4:19 pm


    Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1062
    Re: George Fishing
    Reply #1 on: February 9, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    We have a heron who drops in from time to time to make sure that our garden pond is free of fish. He doesn’t enjoy as good weather as yours, Russ.


    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Posts: 641
    Re: George Fishing
    Reply #2 on: February 9, 2021 at 9:12 pm

    Huh. Apparently my comment disappeared again.

    Happy Fishing, George!

    We live a walk from Beacon Hill Park, which hosts the sights, sounds and smells of a Great Blue Heron rookery every year. It means we get to watch the nest building, the courtship, the young fledging and leaving the nest for the first time, and to come across moult feathers and Bald Eagle predation. There was a young bird a number of years back who was kept alive through the ministrations of a local seniors apartment building. They named him Henry and he became adept at snagging handouts. We also live a walk from the ocean and will often see the same birds fishing there.


    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Victoria, BC

    Reginald Villeponteaux
    Reginald Villeponteaux
    Posts: 71
    Re: George Fishing
    Reply #3 on: February 12, 2021 at 10:51 am

    Is George lonesome?

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