Fujifilm X100 Series

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    Topic: Fujifilm X100 Series Read 343 Times
  • Bob Bergey
    Bob Bergey
    Posts: 3
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: August 29, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    Hi Kevin — just wanted to add my thoughts about what a wonderful camera the Fujifilm X100 series is. I originally bought the X100, which was really groundbreaking at the time, but as you know it had quite a few issues. Most of them were fixed with my next camera, the Fujifilm X100S. But it still wasn’t perfect, and the third iteration was the X100T. I skipped that one because I didn’t think the differences justified upgrading again. But then the X100F came out, and I was ready to upgrade. So that’s my current camera in the Fujifilm X100 line. I never upgraded to the X100V because, once again, I didn’t think the differences justified the cost to upgrade, and I’ve been very happy with the X100F. I’ve been an iPhone user almost from the very beginning of the iPhone line, and when I upgraded to the iPhone 13 Pro Max two years ago, it pretty much replaced my Fujifilm X100F. But I still have it, and your article and video are making me think I should get it out and play with it again.

    BTW, in case anyone doesn’t know, you can easily tell from the name of the X100 series where each model falls: The first was, of course, the X100, the second was the X100S (S for second), the third was the X100T (T for third), the fourth was the X100F that I have (F for fourth), and the last of the series was the one Kevin is using now, the X100V (V being the Roman numeral for five). Fun tidbit.

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