Epson SureColor 5370 printer

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    Topic: Epson SureColor 5370 printer Read 409 Times
  • Eric Brody
    Eric Brody
    Posts: 72
    Epson Printers
    on: October 15, 2023 at 8:30 pm

    I’m a retired bum who spends most of my time and money doing landscape and general photography, for myself, sales are rare and I don’t work at selling photographs, too much trouble.

    I got excited when I read Kevin’s article on the upcoming (early 2024) replacement for the venerable P5000, the SureColor P5370. When my 13 year old 3880 finally passed, I got a P900, with some trepidation regarding its less than super sturdiness and small 50ml cartridges, translation-expensive ink. It worked well for about 6 months and then decided not to feed medium thickness papers such as Canson Platine from the rear (top) feed. After quite an adventure, Epson sent me a refurbished machine which has now been working reasonably well for the past 4 months. I usually print a few times a week.

    Originally, I wanted to get the P5000 for its sturdiness and large cartridges but was hesitant because I had read that it was a “production” printer, eg if not used regularly it will clog, and no one could define “regularly.” A couple of times a year, I’m gone for 2-3 weeks; my 3880 never had a problem with these non-use durations.

    The P5370 checks all the boxes (?), sturdy, large (200ml) cartridges, no ink switching (a wonderful feature of the P900), lots of other great features, and a price I could live with. I have the space for it as well.

    What I do not know is whether it will clog if left for a couple of weeks. I’ll await reviews (Mark Segal has been a wonderfully helpful resource for all things printing) and see if it’s worth selling my P900.


    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: Epson SureColor 5370 printer
    Reply #1 on: October 16, 2023 at 9:13 am

    In my talks with Epson, I have told the reliability of this printer is one of the new features and past performance they are very aware of.   I will have review unit in JAnuary I am told and we will put it through its paces.  We will try feeding a number of different type of media and the normal stuff.

    As far as my 2 P900’s and P700 I find they are pretty reliable clogging wise and have not had issues.  When I leave my printers for any length of time I put a humidifer in them.  This helps keep the nozzles from drying out.  Just make sure you remove them before turning the printer on.  I put a piece of tape over the power button to remind me.  These are using to put in musical instrument cases.  They work really good.

    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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