printer humidifier-Kevin

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    Topic: printer humidifier-Kevin Read 226 Times
  • Eric Brody
    Eric Brody
    Posts: 72
    Epson Printers
    on: November 15, 2023 at 9:03 pm

    I am really enjoying PhotoPXL and have a question. I recall reading that you use a musical instrument humidifier in your printers to minimize the risks of low humidity and head clogs. I got a D’Addario Accessories Small Instrument Humidifier on Amazon. It seems pretty simple, wet the sponge and put it in the printer. I live in the Portland, Oregon suburbs and while we have a relatively moist climate, my home is heated and we occasionally travel for a few weeks.

    I use an Epson P900 and while it has had its ups and downs (I now have a refurb because of paper feed issues), it does make beautiful prints. When I’m home, I print a couple of times a week and have not had problems with clogs. My former 3880 was simple uncloggable as best I can recall.

    My question is simply… where in the printer do you put the humidifier? Is it in there all the time or just when you’re away and cover it. I don’t want to interfere with any moving parts, of course, if it’s in there when the printer is being used.

    Thanks for any help you or anyone else might offer.



    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: printer humidifier-Kevin
    Reply #1 on: November 15, 2023 at 10:15 pm

    Eric,  The 3880 was one heck of a reliable printer.  You couldn’t kill it.  The newer printers while they are feature rich seem to have not so much the build quality but they print so well.  I haven’t had any clogging issues on my P700 and 2 P900s.  If you are running prints every week there is probably no reason to use the humidifier sticks.  However when I travel for a few weeks I always place them in the printer.  Soak the sticks to load them up, open the printer and put them in the middle of the printer box.  I usually put them on a paper towel just in case I have wet them to much.

    It is important to take them out of the printer before powering up.  As age sets in and I become more forgetful I now tape over the power button to remind me that a stick is in the printer.  I’d hate to think what would happen if I powered up and the stick got caught.  So, far no problems.  Hope that helped a little bit.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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