P900 Head Alignment

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    Topic: P900 Head Alignment Read 331 Times
  • George Stark
    George Stark
    Posts: 72
    Epson Printers
    on: July 24, 2023 at 7:54 pm

    I have run through the Epson Head Alignment routine for the P-900 twice following Epson instructions .

    The reason I did it a second time was to see what the difference might be when the alignment was complete.

    On the first run all the better squares on each of the 9 rows was on the left side of the printed page…   1,2 or 3

    On the second run most the better squares were on the right side of the page 6,7,8 or 9  but included a  1 ?

    What should the print out look like if the Heads are Aligned correctly?



    George Stark
    George Stark
    Posts: 72
    Re: P900 Head Alignment
    Reply #1 on: July 25, 2023 at 8:55 pm


    It occurred to me (but I can’t confirm) that if the printer head alignment is good that all the squares in the print out would be equal?  After some 7 to 8 runs I could not produce a head alignment test where all squares were equal but they were somewhat close. The number 5 square in each of the 9 rows was the exact same and prints look the same as they did before I started this process so I guess I’m good?  I was only doing the head alignment  as a printer maintenance task  because it had never been done before and I had just been through a major head clog mess and thought it wouldn’t hurt to try and keep everything in order.  I’d feel better if all the squares in the print out were exact copies of each other but I guess it the prints look good.. why worry?



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