Font Size, file Size for attachments and picture issues

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    Topic: Font Size, file Size for attachments and picture issues Read 765 Times
  • Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    About This Site
    on: March 26, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    As of 3/36/23 the forum is having an issue with the font size in replies, file size issues for attachments and photos and possibly a few other smaller things. This is due to the defaults somehow getting changed in the forum software. These are issues that neither Chris or I can correct as we both have lost access to the control panel. We are in touch with our developers to correct this and expect that we will have things fixed during the day on Monday. Sometimes these strange things happen. We will get it rectifed. Thanks for your patience.

    Kevin Raber

    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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