Helix Camera Itasca IL-Bad experience

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    Topic: Helix Camera Itasca IL-Bad experience Read 1481 Times
  • William Janes
    William Janes
    Posts: 5
    Cameras, Lenses and Shooting Gear
    on: August 19, 2019 at 3:22 pm

    On August 2 I placed an order from this vendor for the Nikon 500 PF lens. On reviewing my credit card balance, I saw that they immediately charged my credit card $3825 without having shipped the lens. These lenses are in short supply and there is no telling when this merchant could ship the lens. When I get my statement, I could pay $3825 and have my money ties up for an indefinite period or else defer payment and incur interest charges of 18%.

    I called the merchant and complained that most vendors do not charge the customer until the item ships and was informed that Nikon will not ship them the lens until there is a paid order. I replied that certainly this is not the policy of B&H and other merchants with whom I have done business. Indeed I have had the lens on order for more than 6 month from B&H and would already have paid $349 in interest had they charged me at the time of the order.


    I cancelled the order from Helix and would advise others to avoid this questionable vendor.

    Bill Janes

    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: Helix Camera Itasca IL-Bad experience
    Reply #1 on: August 19, 2019 at 9:40 pm

    At one time Helix was one of the go to dealers in Chicago area.  Sounds like things have changed.  Robert’s Photo who advertises on this site should be your next call.  they work miracles on getting gear.  Ask for Jody, tell him Kevin sent you.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    William Janes
    William Janes
    Posts: 5
    Re: Helix Camera Itasca IL-Bad experience
    Reply #2 on: August 20, 2019 at 2:19 pm


    Thanks for the reply with reference to Roberts Photo. I have done business with them before and have found them to be excellent. I will get in touch with Jody.

    In the mid 1970’s I bought a Hasselblad 500C from the Helix store on West Huron Street and the inventory and service were very good. At that time they were one of the goto sites for professional and serious enthusiast photographers, but that site is long gone. Chicago has not fared well with camera stores. Other past goto sites were Standard Photo on Chicago Avenue, Shutan photo downtown and in the suburbs, and Central Camera on Wabash Street in the loop. Only Central Camera is still in operation but they are encumbered with the highest sales tax in the nation (10.25%).


    William Janes
    William Janes
    Posts: 5
    Re: Helix Camera Itasca IL-Bad experience
    Reply #3 on: October 29, 2019 at 1:13 pm


    I did contact Jody at Roberts Camera and told him you sent me. Today I just got word that the lens came in and I immediately placed my order. I don’t how much weight he gave to the referral, but your suggestion was much appreciated.

    After nearly a year, the lens is still on back order from B&H.  Oft repeated advice against ordering a hard to get item from one the large outfits such as B&H or Adorama appears well taken. One is better off dealing with smaller dealers. I plan to use Roberts more in the future. I’m in the Chicago suburbs (Lake Forest) so shipping from Indianapolis is quicker than from New York.


    Bill Janes

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