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    Topic: iNaturalist Read 1032 Times
  • Mike Nelson Pedde
    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Posts: 641
    Landscape & Nature Technique
    on: August 2, 2019 at 8:56 pm

    Hi There: There are several sites that allow ‘ordinary people’ to become involved in scientific research. Bumblebee Watch from the Xerces Society is one of them. Here in BC we have e-fauna BC and e-Flora BC. One I heard about recently is iNaturalist. It’s for me, but they have other sites in other parts of the world. You can upload an image from your browser and/or they have iPhone and Android apps. You can add location, tags, species name, and if you’re not sure, the site will try to match something based on your image. You also get to set the license for your images (including none – all rights reserved). So whether you’re shooting bumblebees or garter snakes, Bald Eagles or Douglas Fir, you can share your images and maybe contribute  to some science along the way.

    Here’s a Prairie Smoke image I uploaded today.



    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Victoria, BC

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