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    Topic: Insurance Read 339 Times
  • Jeff Burns
    Jeff Burns
    Silver Member
    Posts: 4
    Cameras, Lenses and Shooting Gear
    on: November 14, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    I am contemplating a major upgrade to my photographic equipment and need to factor in the cost of insurance. Currently, I list a few items on my homeowners policy, but I am not sure this is the best option. 


    I am not currently doing any paid photography work but I might sell the occasional print or be paid for a small photo shoot. As an engineer I sometimes work on advanced imaging systems for my employer. I probably do not need many of the features of a business insurance plan like liability coverage, but want to be sure my coverage is not dropped if I get paid for something related to photography. 

    For comparison I am looking at total equipment value of $15,000. 

    Two options involve joining associations. A membership in the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) costs $323 per year and includes basic equipment coverage up to $15,000. Additional coverage that adds features like theft from unlocked cars and mysterious disappearances costs an additional $321 at the $15,000 coverage level. The North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) offers optional equipment insurance to members.  Membership is $100 a year. $15,000 in coverage would cost $368 per year. Joining NANPA could have some other benefits since I do a fair bit of nature photography. 

    Other options I have found include Package Choice that appears to be intended for professionals, and

    Coverage needs to cover a wide range of hazards including dropping into water, international travel, and theft from cars, hotel rooms, or camp sites. 

    Thanks for any advice.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Jeff Burns.
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