Phase One XT Rodenstock 50mm f/4 in-depth review

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    Topic: Phase One XT Rodenstock 50mm f/4 in-depth review Read 577 Times
  • Vieri Bottazzini
    Vieri Bottazzini
    Posts: 32
    Medium Format
    on: July 25, 2021 at 12:33 pm

    Hello everyone! Today, I completed the third of a series of four in-depth reviews dedicated to Rodenstock lenses, in particular used in X-Shutter and on a Phase One XT. This third article will analyse the Rodenstock 50mm f/4, covering a classic focal length equivalent of 35mm on full-frame 35mm systems.

    The XT Rodenstock 50mm f/4 is a truly amazing lens, it definitely didn’t disappoint in my tests and getting it in X-Shutter will also offer quite a wealth of automated digital integrations with the IQ4 that I love to have on my tech camera.

    You can find the whole review here, if interested:

    Looking forward to your comments! Best regards,


    Vieri Bottazzini


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