Articles For The Site – Sorry For The Delays

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    Topic: Articles For The Site – Sorry For The Delays Read 566 Times
  • Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: June 13, 2021 at 1:02 pm

    I must apologize for the delay in publishing articles this past week.  A number of circumstances have kept me from getting a number of articles posted as I normally do every few days.  Please accept my apologies.  There was a family issue that happened, a lot of details to the workshop business and rebooking ships, etc due to canceling the 2021 season as well as adding new workshops and an upcoming Fine Art Printing workshop.  also, I was busy packing after not traveling for a year and a half as I headed out to the Palouse to run two back-to-back photography workshops. I felt like a rookie.   I may do an article n that too.

    All of this is great but I was running out of hours.  Today I publish an article by Anders Vinberg and Chris Cluett (both familiar names on this site) about their adventure to the Palouse and how they photographed it.  I will also be publishing an article from my first few days in the Palouse where I am now.  The Palouse is my happy place and I will upon my return announce 2 workshops in the Palouse for next year.  They sell out fast as I only take 4 people.  You can check out my Instagram and Facebook pages where I post images straight from the field.

    I also will announce 2 Iceland workshops, a couple of Antarctica workshops, and possibly a few more surprises.  We have a lot of reviews and articles in the home stretches almost ready to publish so watch for some good stuff coming your way.

    More during the coming weeks.  Thanks for the understanding.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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