Make The Call


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    Topic: Make The Call Read 544 Times
  • Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: June 3, 2021 at 6:37 pm

    We don’t use the phone enough these days.  I posted a new article about how I am calling my photographer friends and catching up, calling a few each day.  Let’s all try to do that and let our friends know we are thinking of them and to find out what they are up to.  I am feeling very optimistic right now.  Feel free to call me and say hi.  317-379-7482.  P.S. I leave for two back to back workshops starting next Friday.  I am quite excited to be getting back out there.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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