Arctic Architecture

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    Topic: Arctic Architecture Read 749 Times
  • Mike Nelson Pedde
    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Posts: 641
    Topical debate
    on: January 6, 2021 at 7:21 pm

    This isn’t intended to replace Kevin’s webinar on polar photography, but I thought some might find it interesting. From the site:

    “The Camden Conference and Camden Public Library present Judith Bing and J. Brooke Harrington on Zoom on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 6:30 pm. Their talk, “Arctic Architecture,” is free and open to all. Please email [email protected] to request a Zoom link to attend the program.

    Only 4 million of the world’s nearly 8 billion people live in the remote Arctic region due to its extreme climate. The original indigenous inhabitants adapted to their environment but outsiders introduced new ways of life and came to dominate life in the Arctic – whether North Americans, Northern Europeans or Russians. They came to explore the unknown, open sea routes, exploit resources, perform scientific research, and enjoy exotic travel. Today, startling changes in climate erode assumptions and add incalculable pressures.

    Viewed through the lens of the built environment – of Architecture – this illustrated presentation surveys selected settlements and structures of the past and present, in the context of the Arctic’s climate extremes.

    The presenters are professors emeriti of architecture, Harrington of Temple University and Bing of Drexel University, in Philadelphia. Currently they are Center Associates at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University, and Visiting Scholars at the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT, in Cambridge. They live in Cushing, Maine.

    This slide-show presentation will be best viewed on a computer-size screen.”

    Camden Conference Community Event: Arctic Architecture – a talk by Judith Bing & J. Brooke Harrington


    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Victoria, BC

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