Creating Artistic Landscape Photographs
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    Topic: Creating Artistic Landscape Photographs
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  • Mike Nelson Pedde
    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Posts: 641
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: December 6, 2020 at 4:17 pm

    In this I agree with Alain. One of my favourite quotes for photography (author unremembered) is, “Why is it that when you buy a violin you own a violin, but when you buy a camera you’re a photographer?” Anyone can take pictures. Birds have done it, monkeys have done it, even crabs have done it. But (to me at least) there’s a difference between taking a picture and making a photograph. I’m not saying one needs $10 or $50K worth of equipment to be a photographer, or have invested 50 years in dedicating one’s self to one’s art. Everyone starts somewhere. I consider myself a photographer because I’ve invested enough hours, made enough bad images and sought to do better that photography informs how I see my world. I’m constantly looking at light, shape, colour, contrast, arrangement, even when I’m looking out the window or walking down the street. Often that gets me to stop and pull out my cell phone or my camera and try to capture it, but it begins with seeing it in the first place. I may or may not see things similarly to you. I may or may not like what you produce (I don’t like much of what I produce). But I will at least attempt to see the care and dedication you put into seeing as you do.


    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Victoria, BC

    David Eckels
    David Eckels
    Silver Member
    Posts: 89
    Re: Creating Artistic Landscape Photographs
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    Reply #1 on: December 6, 2020 at 9:32 pm

    You put your finger right on it, Mike. Before you can become a (competent) photographer, you have to be able to see. I think Alain referenced this in one of his earliest books and even recommended carrying a card with a camera frame sized cutout to practice with. Twelve years ago, a friend recommend The Tao of Photography, and when I first read it the book seemed more about seeing than photography. I was a bit frustrated with that, then, now I get it.

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    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Posts: 641
    Re: Creating Artistic Landscape Photographs
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    Reply #2 on: December 6, 2020 at 11:09 pm

    Thanks, David. If you haven’t read Freeman Patterson’s ‘Photography and the Art of Seeing’ I highly recommend it. Marcia is still a cell phone shooter (although she can no longer claim she wouldn’t know an f/stop from a doorstop) and in her view that book changed her photography.


    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Victoria, BC

    David Eckels
    David Eckels
    Silver Member
    Posts: 89
    Re: Creating Artistic Landscape Photographs
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    Reply #3 on: December 7, 2020 at 2:08 pm

    Thanks, David. If you haven’t read Freeman Patterson’s ‘Photography and the Art of Seeing’ I highly recommend it. Marcia is still a cell phone shooter (although she can no longer claim she wouldn’t know an f/stop from a doorstop) and in her view that book changed her photography.


    I have! Indeed, I have been able to do two workshops with Freeman in New Brunswick and environs. I’ve written about my experiences there on my website blog.

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